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Saudis, Emiratis Talk Oil To Daddy Putin Not Beggar Joe

Part of President Biden’s grand strategy in fighting soaring gasoline prices started by his War on Fossil Fuels & reignited by Russia’s invasion of Ukraine was to flood the market with SAUDI & EMIRATE oil, even though now in bed with Putin; WSJ says they won’t even return Beggar Joe’s phone calls.

Reminded the paper: “Persian Gulf monarchies have [repeatedly] signaled they won’t help ease surging oil prices unless Washington supports them in Yemen, elsewhere.” In other words, “the Emiratis share Saudi concerns about the restrained US response to recent missile strikes by Iran-backed Houthi militants in Yemen against the UAE and Saudi Arabia.” Then, there’s the rumored deal with Iran (of all hated enemies) to revive the failed Obama Nuke Deal that would lift US sanctions on billions worth of Iranian oil, also to be flooding the market in hopes of it also driving down prices at the pump.

So, while Mr. Biden & his team keep asking, the Saudi’s & Emiratis keep telling them they are sticking to their OPEC oil production plan NOT to pump more oil for Joe, one that has been approved by … RUSSIA. In fact, says the WSJ, the “energy alliance with Russia, one of the world’s top oil producers, has enhanced OPEC’s power while also bringing the Saudis & Emiratis closer to Moscow.” Any wonder why both key Arab players, Prince Mohammed & Sheikh Mohammed, took phone calls from Putin last week but ghosted Mr. Biden?

Davd Soul


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