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Savior Biden Divides Nation To Conquer Its Devil (Us)?

GW Law Prof Jonathan Turley noted “Biden’s Constitutional workarounds don’t seem to see limits for government while Fox's Tucker Carlson opined “the degradation of our people is the real American crisis.” What if the men are saying the same thing about the nation’s slide under the Biden presidency into a mandated cradle-to-grave socialism rather than Lincoln’s society based on merit? If so, the charge into Marxist Hell ala Lenin is being led by the life-long Swamp politician who has made a career out of promising people the sun, moon & stars but accomplishing little, except in his own mind.

Prof. Turley could not help notice that “from abortions to elections to rents, Biden is seeking to federalize huge areas to displace state law.” In other words, Mr. Biden is rewriting the Constitution by fiat and/or a legislative iron fist rather than go through the once sacred document’s procedural dictates. Concluded the Prof: “Not since Adams & his Federalist Party has the country faced such a fundamental challenge to our system of federalism.”

Meanwhile, while using the Biden mask n vax mandates as an example, Tucker is calling out the president for advancing his new found radical socialist agenda ala a Lenin, i.e., pitting citizen against citizen. He argues Biden’s vaccine mandate speech was a divide & conquer “pivot point … [it] was the most divisive speech ever given by a modern American president. Virtually every sentence of the speech reinforced a single point again & again. And it was this: Your fellow Americans are dangerous to you. They could kill you. And that includes your family, it includes your friends, it includes the people you sit next to at work. All of these people are threats to you & only the Biden administration can save you.” So, Joe is the Messiah who is to save us devils when he couldn’t save how many angels in Afghanistan?

Davd Soul


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