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Say It Like A Man(fred): “MLB Apologizes”

As the Johnny Mathis song says, “It’s not for me to say,” but did we all just see a “Major Mea Culpa From MLB” after it announced the 2025 All-Star Game will be held in Atlanta, though Georgia law is essentially the same?

Recall how MLB cow-towed to the state's rad libs bitching that a new election requiring folks to show they weren’t hidden ball tricks would “suppress” voter turnout. Without any proof, MLB powers that be sent the scheduled All Star game in Atlanta to the showers & moved it to another state, presumably one that’s ok with dead bodies throwing spit balls as well as voting. Btw: That voter turnout in the 2022 elections was more robust than ever, even set turnout records, giving new meaning to MLB knuckle heads serving up knuckle balls to Georgia’s knuckle headed knuckleheads. As the WSJ editorial board asked: “Will Rob Manfred apologize to the state of Georgia and its citizens?”

As the editors noted, nothing’s really changed: “Not the bulk of the law, the Election Integrity Act of 2021, which tightened up vote-by-mail & voter ID rules.” What really happened is “Mr. Manfred at the time bowed to the Democratic Party & media distortions about the law.” The brush back was delivered by many, including Pres Biden who called the law “Jim Crow 2.0” & gubernatorial loser Stacey Abrams played the usual race card. Mr. Manfred, about that apology?

Davd Soul


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