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SBF’s FTX Political Donations Explained

Many in DC Swamp may disagree with WSJ’s take on the FTX cryptocurrency debacle aka “Sam Bankman-Fried’s Dirty Political Donations.” But, hard to argue with its conclusion on “recipients have some explaining to do.”

Columnist Kim Strassel hit the jack pot (no pun intended) when noting “Celebrity crypto savant Sam Bankman-Fried is in a heap of trouble” yet the FTX founder arrested on fraud charges “can’t be the only one sweating”. The short of it is, she says, that “Washington has its own giant FTX problem, in what now appears to be millions of dollars in dirty donations.” Strassel indelicately adds, “It’s a donor scandal for the ages, yet politicians are mum on what they intend to do about it.”

Sadly, BILLIONS in investor funds seem unaccounted for while SBF was the “sixth-largest donor overall in this midterm cycle & the 2nd largest to Democrats.” Only George Soros gave more, Strassel maintains, while SBF “dumped close to $40 million into political action committees, outside groups and individuals”. Yet, Kim concedes, while 50 Democratic House & Senate candidates & 8 Republicans got “helped” by you know who or his agents, “several have already announced they’ll direct their donations to charity.” More will undoubtedly do so as more of the sordid details emerge in court. But, as the columnist notes, “dumping cash into a lefty [or righty] charity hardly helps to make FTX customers whole.”

Davd Soul


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