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Schiff’s Jan 6 Horror Show Stoned

Dem’s Jan 6 day 1 hearing was a slick retread of a Trump conspiracy that never was even in an Oliver Stone pic; yet how could it not be when Russian Collusion hoaxer Schiff was director & actors were hopeless anti-Trumpers?

Fox News’ Hannity called it another “boring … anti-Trump smear,” but better to the point as to why most folks will have tuned out was articulated by WSJ’s Kim Strassel in her “The Uncredible Jan. 6 Committee – Americans needed a serious accounting. Democrats assured they won’t get one.” How’s that? Strassel asks, “Can Americans trust the findings of a panel whose members began with a preconceived narrative and blackballed any dissenting voices?” Think of Speaker Pelosi’s “unprecedented” decision to veto Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy’s picks to serve on the cte in favor of her own hand-picked Never Trump GOPers. Consider too Pelosi’s Dem picks starting with “California’s Adam Schiff … the House face of the Trump-Russia collusion hoax and secret Ukraine impeachment proceedings.”

Hannity put the last nail in the committee production’s coffin, at least, in the public’s mind, if not its own: “We have all 3 major broadcast networks, Fake News CNN, MSDNC, all happily broadcasting, well, the dullest, most boring, there’s-absolutely-nothing-new, multi-hour, Democratic fundraiser masquerading as a Jan. 6 hearing.”

Davd Soul


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