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School Lockdowns Without Borders & Gen F

Did mandated Covid lockdown of our schools predictably create a “Generation F” as in “Fearful”? Fox suggests as much in “America’s kids unmasked 2 yrs later.” Fox asked parents who say “the shadow … [& other] effects of the pandemic linger” as “many students are entering a new school year without Covid masks or other mandates for the first time in years.”

“Isolating children, esp. in LA, socially, academically and emotionally from their peers has had detrimental effects, the likes of which we are only beginning to feel,” said an LA parent, Daniella Bloom. “When you isolate children away from a 7-hour school day, where there are no sports and no social curricular activities, they have no choice but to turn to their electronics … And, there is only darkness there” as they are “already vulnerable going through puberty” Another parent, Kristina Irvin described how her oldest son in middle school went from Straight As to all Fs. “It was 2 years of lost time,” Irvin said. “He literally wouldn’t care. And the thing that got me was the teachers didn’t care. He would show me the Zoom videos [where] the teachers would be slurping up spaghetti … it wasn’t conducive to learning.”

No it wasn’t. But, tele-education is not always conducive to teaching either. Nor, are lockdowns without borders conducive to parenting.

Davd Soul


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