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School Sics US AG on Mom, Mom Sues

Michigan mom sues school for sic’ing US AG on her after 6-yr-old son’s GPA plummeted during pandemic & she likened its mandated virtual learning program to “Nazi Germany”. Progressives can dish it out, but can’t take it?

As the WSJ framed the mom’s lawsuit seeking $1 in damages: “The Nat’l School Bds Assn has apologized for its infamous letter to President Biden last September suggesting ‘threats’ & ‘acts of violence’ at raucous public school board meetings ‘could be the equivalent to a form of domestic terrorism.’ But AG Merrick Garland’s memo to the FBI to investigate parents still stands. And, if you want to understand why parents are still upset, look no further than what happened to a Michigan mother who complained to the Chippewa Valley school board.”

In a nutshell, Sandra Hernden’s special needs son saw GPA plunge from 3.5 to 1.5 during the pandemic as mandated mask wearing & social distancing measures were enforced and, then, virtual learning to boot. Angry, she complained to the school district & at one point used the “N”, i.e., Nazi word and they responded “by reporting her first to her then-employer, the Harper Woods police department, and then to the DOJ.” Ms. Hernden was openly accused of “disrespect” & “veiled racism” but continued to “ignore” her educational policy concerns. “More disturbing,” the WSJ editors argue, “is how school board president Frank Bednard” bragged to fellow board members how he’d forwarded to DOJ an email from Ms. Hernden along with a complaint about her” belonging to a conservative organization called “Moms for Liberty.” Maybe the mom had some inappropriate if 1st Amendment choice words, but she certainly wasn’t a bin Laden disciple.

Davd Soul


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