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Seattle Libs Sore At Soaring Crime News

Tough toe nails or tough love? Seattle Times columnist says he’s pissed at progressives bitching about his focusing on the city’s soaring crime after local pols defunded police. Makes their policies look bad, huh?

Danny Westneat wrote, “ I realize it’s awkward for Seattle and the liberal project right now that crime here is soaring.” But, he’s sticking with his relentless coverage of the city’s crime stats because “the facts are the facts.” The Seattle libs counter by insisting Danny is “exaggerating”, fearmongering and making the city’s crime look tantamount to “poverty porn” in a blue city just to make libs and lib policies look like sh**. Tough sh**, essentially rejoined the columnist. “Both violent and property crimes really are up markedly – to the highest levels citywide in more than two decades. Through July, property crime is up 25% compared with two years ago. Violent crime is rising still faster, up 35% Shootings are up 100%.

Fox News last week reported on the “surge in homicides & shootings in Seattle after the municipal government slashed the police budget in the wake of the murder of George Floyd” in Minneapolis. “The increase in crime has been accompanied by police staffing shortages, and the deep-blue city [75% of which voted for Biden in 2020] saw voters last year elect more centrist candidates over liberals, pro-defund” ones for mayor, city counsel & city attorney.

Davd Soul


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