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Senate Gives Dirty Dancing China New Chip 2 Shoulder

The Senate approved a $250 billion bill to boost tech research on a bipartisan basis & Washington Post rightly called it a long-overdue effort to “curtail China’s economic & military ambitions.” The question remains, however, whether it’s enough to offset the untold amount China spends on stealing our hi-tech research.

Says WaPo: “The proposal commits billions…across a wide array of research areas. It pours more than $50 billion in immediate funding into U.S. businesses that manufacture the sort of ultra-small, in-demand computer chips that power consumer and military devices, which many companies source from China. And, it paves the way for the next generation of space exploration [launched during the Trump Administration?] at a time when Washington & Beijing are increasingly setting their eyes on the stars.”

New sanctions against bad PRC behavior are also made possible by the bill & even funds are provided to fight its obnoxious communist propaganda. Good start. Yet, considering China’s “Gestalt” approach to dancing dirty with the Capitalist West, might we also find some money for an aircraft carrier or two in Asian waters?

Davd Soul


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