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Shame On GOP 4 Again Caving On “Spendathon” Deal?

It’s been said the GOP has been complicit in the decades-long Dem push to expand government into every facet of our lives and the WSJ’s Kim Strassel said it again in “The GOP’s Bad Infrastructure Deal.” The problem, she says, is that the so-called “bipartisan” compromise package being hawked by a growing number of Republicans is “filled with financial gimmicks, waste & expansions of Washington power.”

Kim warns, too, that we’ve heard the GOP senate negotiators’ talking points before as well: “Explaining that they’d worked ‘day & night’ to finalize the legislation, they touted their work product as a ‘historic’ investment in ‘hard infrastructure’ that will ‘create good-paying jobs.’” But, the truth, according to Strassel? The GOP senators are pretending yet again that “infrastructure” sounds a lot better than “spendathon,” “central planning,” “corporate bailouts,” “Solyndra” and “Green New Deal” … “All of which are the real descriptors of this behemoth.”

Of course, most reasonable folks agree wanting to spend big on such things as our deteriorating highways, bridges, tunnels, ports & waterways is understandable. Yet, as the Cte for a Responsible Federal Budget warned, “those provisions [in the bipartisan deal] account for about $127 billion [or] a mere 23% of the bill’s $548 in new spending.” What’s the saying? “Fool me once, shame on me, fool me a thousand times, shame on me a thousand times.”

Davd Soul


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