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Shameful MSM Ignores Damn John Hopkins Covid Study?

Fox News called out MSM for ignoring blockbuster John Hopkins study finding Covid lockdowns are “ineffective” in preventing death … can cause “enormous” economic & social harm … & should be “rejected”. Hall of Shame includes ABC, CBS, NBC, CNN, Wa Po, NY Times, USA Today, AP & Reuters.

As Fox & WSJ noted & according to the university’s “meta-analysis of several studies, lockdowns during the first Covid wave in the spring of 2020 only reduced Covid mortality by .2% in the US & Europe … While this analysis concludes. Lockdowns have had little to no public health effects, they have imposed enormous economic and social costs where they have been adopted. In consequence, lockdown policies are ill-founded and should be rejected as a pandemic policy instrument.”

Those are powerful words and conclusion, of course, since John Hopkins Covid data in the past has been often cited by progressive pols & their MSM allies as SUPPORTING draconian lockdown measures that are still in force in most blue states across America. A cynic might say these “blind” media guides by suddenly ignoring JHU findings are trying to provide cover not only for the pro-lockdown pols, but themselves. Jus’ sayin’.

Davd Soul


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