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Sherlock Barack Still Trumps Biden

Barack is back after never leaving the WH? Now he’s telling Joe how to get re-elected? Note Obama’s biographer spills he’s as “insecure as Trump.” So THAT's why No 44 still lectures us all as if Plato, lives in 2 mansions, hob nobs only with celebs?

The British press (e.g., Telegraph & Guardian) was all over the news that “Obama warns Biden over strength of Trump in upcoming 2024 challenge.” Da. As if Joe is still the boob he was as Barack’s VP. But, more stunning perhaps was biographer David Garrow essentially telling Tablet in a lengthy interview that Obama was & is a manipulative intellectual lightweight, one who selfishly obsesses over his image. Moreover, we’re told opportunistic Barack denies any notion of American Exceptionalism & belatedly embraced his “Blackness” only after it became politically advantageous.

Well, Barack isn’t happy with that take, even though his mouthpieces at the NY Times once called Garrow’s 2017 biography “Rising Star: The Making of Barack Obama” an “impressive if gratuitously snarly” book. Leave it to ya to read Garrow’s opinions in his own words. But, regardless of how the biographer colors Obama’s brain, personality or character, it may very well give us some insight into what we’ve seen while he was POTUS & since. That is, like Biden, Trump & Sherlock Holmes (I just finished re-reading Hound of the Baskervilles) Obama pretends he's NEVER been wrong, that he knows everything & is short-tempered when it’s suggested by a Watson he isn’t. So, is it surprising Barack emerges from Mount Olympus to light a fire under Biden, tell his understudy Boob how to win re-election LIKE HE DID? Can you foretell the NY Times’ headline in Nov. 2024 “Obama Paved Way For Joe” or in the alternative “Joe Ignores Obama, Blows Sure Win”?

Davd Soul


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