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Shocking Electric Bills, Irresponsible Pols

Is the cost of green energy conversion already pushing consumers’ bank accounts into the red? Are folks waking up to Bidenomic reality with another price shock, this time, from the cost of electricity climbing by 30% since 2021?


Forget for a moment the hidden costs of those subsidized if not increasingly mandated EVs. The WSJ’s editorial board asks, “Do White House officials pay electric bills? They keep saying the President’s climate agenda is reducing electric-power rates even as the cost of running your dishwasher is skyrocketing, as illuminated by the Labor Department’s consumer-price index.” The devil is in the historical details, the editors suggest. “Electric rates remained relatively flat in the seven years before President Biden took office, rising 5%. Thank cheap natural gas. Yet since January 2021 electricity prices have soared 29.4% -- about 50% more than overall inflation. By our calculation, electricity prices have increased 13 times faster under Mr. Biden than across the previous seven years.”


The sad truth as Mr. Biden keeps catering to the radical environmental left & its lobbyists?: “The price increases will get worse.” That’s largely because “Federal regulations, renewable subsidies & state green-energy mandates are forcing fossil-fuel & nuclear plants to retire prematurely.” The key word is “prematurely.” Another word for it is “irresponsible.”


Davd Soul


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