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Should Liberals Be Pro-Choice at Work?

A new study says the more you CHOOSE to work, the more SKILLS you gain & that’s why you’ll earn over a life-time. That’s how the real world works, it rewards hard work & skills. But, will delusional liberals let go of the discrimination card?


As the WSJ article explained the latest research on what’s really driving “income inequality” in America is “more complex than you’d think” or have been told by progressives in business, academia & the MSM. The study’s authors from the FED of St. Louis, Vanderbilt & Princeton “use a rich vein of survey data tracking individuals as far back as 1979. They find that a major determinant of total lifetime hours worked is individual choice – some people just prefer to work more, while others might prioritize other activities. Going a step further, the paper finds that those who work more earn more because they accumulate more skills during the extra time they work. The overlapping effects of different levels of skills acquisition account for a hefty share of overall differences in lifetime earnings, and operate independent of other factors such as the level of education or skills an individual obtains before entering the labor force.”


In short, the authors say, “income inequality is in part a matter of choice rather than intractable economic or social forces.” So, Lincoln was right? If so, so much for socialist propaganda to the contrary.


Davd Soul


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