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Sigh! Justices To Hear CFBP Case One Day

Sup Ct showing “burnout” signs chasing after one progressive workaround the Constitution after another, i.e., as it agreed to consider Pochahontas’ CFBP’s constitutionality but won’t decide its fate for more than a year?

Sure, as the WSJ recently reported, the Justices voted to “hear arguments” in the case against the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau that “could knock the legs out from under the agency that has been a thorn in the side of Republicans since Elizabeth Warren helped create it after the 2008 market crash.” And, the outcome will turn on how the unprecedented way the CFPB is funded. That is, the so-called financial watchdog was allowed by Congress to bypass typical appropriations & merely requires it to “request” funds from the US Treasury, almost as if the agency’s director has a blank check to draw on. The banking industry plaintiffs claim the funding scheme is unconstitutional under the Constitution’s Appropriations Clause and a lower court in the 5th Circuit agreed that the mechanism was “double insulated” from necessary congressional oversight.

In response, the Biden Administration appealed that decision to the highest court in the land & asked for an “expedited” ruling. While the Supremes agreed to hear the case, they (Yawn) ignored the request to move more quickly than normal, meaning, oral arguments will likely be held this fall so that a final rendering won’t happen until mid-2024. Can you almost hear the Justices sigh at having to hear yet another case involving the progressive bureaucracy’s let alone the far-left president’s powers under the Constitution?

Davd Soul


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