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Simple: Jesus’ vs Newsom’s Homeless Solution

Jesus praised Good Samaritan for mercy shown waylaid “neighbor.” In that spirit California spent $17 billion on the homeless. But it’s not working. Gov admits “we own this” debacle. How bout common sense & restoring our wandering neighbors’ dignity as in the parable?

Unfortunately, Gavin Newsom followed up his mia culpa in an interview with Fox’s Hannity with yet a cup of cowabunga: “This state has not made progress in the last two decades … because housing costs are too high, our regulatory thickets are too problematic, [and] people locally are pushing back against new housing starts & construction.” Translated: We have to spend still more taxpayer money & create still more government programs, while they gladly get run over by their hapless neighbors & bureaucrats alike? Doesn't the Gov contradict his own talking points by forgetting he just said “two decades” of such BS have netted “zero progress”? Indeed, California's (and Newsom's) costly make-shift homeless camps, endless free stuff gimmicks, universal pay schemes, lucrative rent subsidies, & free drugs without adequate help for the mentally ill have arguably done as much harm as good. Especially since California now accounts for "nearly 50% of all homelessness in the US & grew about 50% between 2014 & 2022"?

Could it be that simply throwing money (and more gov't) at THE problem isn’t THE solution? Why not stop the excuses & stop wasting these vast sums of money? Be a smarter Good Samaritan who knows how to get folks back on their feet & off the streets rather than migrate there on all fours: Use those BILLIONS to get the many addicted & mentally ill long term as well as immediate help (incl institutionalization if necessary); make financial assistance a true "safety-net" (i.e., temporary) & conditioned upon a willingness to be re-integrated into the workforce; where possible, require recipients to hold down respect-building jobs PROVIDED them; & clean-up/clear out the filthy street camps so they are no longer criminal infested jungles victimizing the many who still can dream about being saved ....

Davd Soul


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