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Simple & Stupid: Biden Budget Says Stagnation Is Good

As President Biden constantly said during the campaign, “It’s simple”…he & his economic geniuses have set up the USA for another 8 years of Obama’s “new norm” aka “economic stagnation”…all, at a frightful cost & with nada gain. So said the WSJ’s editorial board in “A Future of Secular Stagnation.”

According to the paper, Mr. Biden & team tried to pull a fast one by releasing its “blowout” progressive wish list aka $XT budget proposal on a holiday weekend when only a few real journalists were still working to review it. The WSJ team was still on the job & what they discovered in “the not so small print” is the ADMISSION that Joe is hoping for a big pandemic reopening & recovery (btw, inevitable & already begun under Trump) during the next 2 years in return for a return to the Obama Era’s “secular stagnation” over the next 8 years. Explained the editors: “Readers may recall that unfortunate term the Obama Presidency, when leftish economists sought to explain why growth seemed stuck at 2%...despite unprecedented monetary stimulus. The fault, they said, was in our stars & not in their policies…The Biden budget says we’re likely to stagnate again after the Keynesian spending flood of 2021 & 2022—though at even lower growth rates than the slow-growth Obama years.”

Folks, translated, that means you can expect lower wages at more crappy minimum wage jobs at the movie theaters & fast food restaurants. Meanwhile, the nation’s already astronomical deficit would have to be paid for by FUTURE GENERATIONS. And, for what end game exactly? As former HUD Sec. Ben Carson said over the holiday, such political & economic irresponsibility is shameful. Stupid, too?

Davd Soul


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