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Sleep At Switch NY Times Admits Globalism Failed?

So NY Times concedes globalism is a failure & its advocates (incl itself) are gullible dupes of world’s many bad actors in its “China is watching Russia’s invasion of Ukraine (& more) closely”?

While the Times would likely deny that take, let’s let their own words disingenuously point their own finger at themselves as its article discusses “renewed fears” that China will now invade Taiwan after the US’s military fiascos in the Middle East: “China, like Russia, appears to see a void after Western powers pulled back from the world stage, sidelined by internal disputes and the failed US wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. In the West, a Cold War victory had convinced many that a new democratic world order would keep the peace – without realizing how fragile that peace really was.” As East Asia expert, Dartmouth’s Jennifer Lind also noted, “People forgot about great power politics … [and] … had hoped we had transformed international politics, and we didn’t.”

Exactly. The DC Swamp and coastal elites had the arrogance and naivete in pushing their narrative that globalism and progressive slogans alone would “transform” the world into their democratic likeness and image. Meanwhile, history as well as common sense always warned that the world’s predictable bad actors could only be deterred if not ultimately defeated through continued unmatched economic, military & moral strength.

Davd Soul


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