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Smell Hunter In CPSC Gas Stove Ban Idea?

I like my electric stove. But, damn, agree with uproar over bureaucrat’s suggested ban of gas stoves on unproven “green” grounds. It would not only scorch cooking industry but put all hands on Burn Notice.

As the WSJ op ed argues: “Coercion in the cause of banning fossil fuels is no vice for the Biden Administration, which is now coming after cooks. The Consumer Product Safety Commission could soon ban gas stoves. CPSC Commish Richard Trumpka teased in an interview with Bloomberg News … the agency plans to propose new regs for gas stoves, which could include a ban. ‘This is a hidden hazard,’ Trumka said. ‘Any option is on the table. Products that can’t be made safe can be banned.’” As the editors also noted: “Mr. Trumka isn’t worried gas stoves might cause accidental burns – a hidden hazard for electric rang-tops that stay hot long after they’re turned off. Instead, the agency’s purported concern is gas stoves cause indoor air pollution & asthma, though there’s scant evidence to support such claims.” Of course, everyone but Gordon Ramsey got into the public debate. Since most railed against the Swamp’s latest excessive bureaucratic power grab, the White House did its usual (almost daily) damage control and assured Pres Biden did NOT support it.

Here’s what I wanna know: If the threatened CPSC ban would or could still somehow go through & isn’t blocked by a judge with any common sense, will everyone in USA with a gas stove be out of pot luck as well as a lot of cash? And: Does Dick or Hunter (as well as the “Big Guy”) own stock in GE, the highest rated and biggest selling electric range maker?

Davd Soul


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