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Something Stinks in WH. What About Bob?

“The Joe Biden family business was Joe Biden, period,” insists Hunter’s ex-partner & family insider, i.e., after he saw “scam” written on the proverbial wall & the Bidens smelled they were about to be ratted out by a rodent named Bob.


The WSJ’s editorial board went out of its way to remind the Blind Guides in the MSM what Tony Bobulinki not only told Congress last week, but told anyone who would listen years ago that: “The only reason any of [the alleged Biden] international business transactions took place, with tens of millions of dollars flowing directly to the Biden family, was because Joe Biden was in high office.” The editors weren’t above slam dunking on the Biden’s & their media butt kissers: “Remember Tony Bobulinski? He’s the former Hunter Biden business partner who exposed details about the Biden family business in 2020 but was ignored by the press. Last week he testified before the House Oversight & Judiciary committees, and he confirmed how the Bidens sold political influence & the family ‘brand.’”


Of course, we always prefer to go with voters in the court of public opinion rather than in law courts. But, as the WSJ argued, “… it is a long way from Joe Biden’s 2020 claims that he had nothing to do with Hunter’s business.” And, besides the bugaboo Bobulinski’s insider testimony, the Oversight Committee says it has found that “more than $20 million in payments from foreign sources flowed to Biden family members & business associates.” Smell a rat as well as a rat fink? The WSJ urges the Dems to “reconsider the risks of Mr. Biden as their nominee.” But, what about Joe? Can you recall the days leading up to Richard Nixon’s belated & cheesy exit from the White House as more & more details behind the Watergate scandal slowly eaked out & took a choke hold on its inhabitant?


Davd Soul


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