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Sotomayor’s Constitution By Public Polling

Read her words & gasp. Liberal Justice Sotomayor recently suggested Supreme Court’s interpretation of the Constitution should take into account public opinion & not just the Rule of Law or else face an “erosion of credibility.” Talk about A**backwards?


Justice Sotomayor was pointedly criticizing the High Court’s recent presidential immunity case & opining that the 6-3 majority ruling that she dissented from was putting its legitimacy on the line. Many may miss the troubling import of the Justice’s comments during an appearance at Louisville U’s law school as reported by Fox News. The key verbiage quoted: “If we as a court go so much further ahead of people, our legitimacy is going to be questioned … I think the immunity case is one of those situations. I don’t think that Americans have accepted that anyone should be above the law in America. Our equality as people was the foundation of our society and of our Constitution.”


In other words, fellow Justices, render decisions based at least in part on public opinion polls and in part on what I want the Constitution to say, or else you’ll pay for it. The Justice also bitched about the overturning of Roe v Wade’s federal abortion standards & other liberal mantras like affirmative action in college admissions and the Chevron “federal bureaucrats are king” doctrine. But, she ignored the unprecedented lawfare launched by liberals in Congress & by President Biden himself against No. 45. As Chief Justice Roberts had opined in the immunity case, the in the Constitution is the Constitution as plainly written, not imagined more than two centuries later to assuage current political agendas: “Under our constitutional structure of separated powers, the nature of presidential power entitles a former president to absolute immunity from criminal prosecution for actions within his conclusive & preclusive constitutional authority.”


Davd Soul


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