Soul Food: Week of April 30, 2023
“Soul Food” is a regularly updated calendar of meditations sometimes questioning conventional wisdom & often suggesting eternal values
Sunday: Is God alive?
Monday: If so, does He ever rest?
Tuesday: Foxes have dens & birds have nests, but I, the Messiah, have no home of my own, no place to call my own. Jesus
Wednesday: Does the life God breathed into us ever vulnerable souls also give us a chance to breath?
Thursday: And yet, the ability to reason that you gave me, Lord, tells me I am nothing without you and everything with you.
Friday: Are “humanists,” who insist “man is the measure of all things,” the proverbial “Blind Guides”?
Saturday: What is our purpose in life? To be perfect, like God & to die in the effort? Or, to create the Perfect Manhattan & to die of cirrhosis of the liver? Which is more inspiring?
Davd Soul