Soul Food: Week of December 1, 2024
This (ADVENT) week’s respectfully offered daily meditations:
Sunday: If I think, therefore, I am. If I choose, therefore, I live. If I will love, therefore, I am one with God.
Monday: The Lord is coming, always coming. When you have ears to hear & eyes to see, you will recognize him at any moment of your life. Henri Nouwen
Tuesday: Life is Advent; life is recognizing the coming of the Lord. HN
Wednesday: At this Christmas when Christ comes, will He find a warm heart? Mother Teresa
Thursday: You must be ready, for the Son of Man is coming at an unexpected hour. Matthew
Friday: Into this world, this demented inn in which there is absolutely no room for Him at all Christ comes uninvited. Thomas Merton
Saturday: I want a Christmas that whispers “Jesus.” Ann Voskamp
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