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Soul Food: Week of December 10, 2023

“Soul Food” is a regularly updated calendar of meditations sometimes questioning conventional wisdom & often suggesting eternal values …


Sunday-Saturday: “How privileged am I,” Elizabeth said to [Mary], to have the mother of my Lord come to visit me.”


… Mary became lyrical & she stood before [Elizabeth], arms outstretched, eyes dimmed & half-closed with tears of joy:


“My soul extols the Lord & my spirit leaps for joy in God my savior. How graciously He looked upon this lowly maid! Oh, behold, from this hour onward age after age will call me blessed! How sublime is what He has done for me – the Mighty One, whose name is ‘Holy,’ From age to age He visits those who worship Him in reverence, His arm achieves the mastery: He routes the haughty & proud of heart; He puts down princes from their thrones & exalts the lowly; He fills the hungry with blessings & sends away the rich with empty hands. He has taken by the hand His servant Israel, & mercifully kept His faith – as He had promised our fathers – with Abraham & his posterity forever & evermore.”


Excerpted from Jim Bishop’s “The Day Christ Was Born”


Davd Soul


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