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Soul Food: Week of December 5, 2021

“Soul Food” is a regularly updated calendar of meditations sometimes questioning conventional wisdom & often suggesting eternal values

Sunday: It may be good to follow one’s heart, but it can be wise to also see & hear what reality is revealing & where it is leading one to …

Monday: May you live in interesting times. Frederic R. Coudert

Tuesday: There’s no mistakes in the tango, Donna. Not like life. It’s simple. That’s what makes the tango so great. If you make a mistake, get all tangled up, just tango on. Lt. Col. Frank Slade portrayed by Al Pacino

Wednesday: Man has forgotten his Origin; in vain He searches for the record of his race In ancient books or seeks with toil to gain From the deep cave, or rocks some primal trace … With mind bewildered, weak how should he know The Source Divine from whom his being springs? The darkened spirit does its shadow throw On written record, and on outward things; That else might plainly to his thought reveal The wondrous truths, which now they but conceal. Jones Very

Thursday: Ever at night I looked up for thee, O’er thy sidereal sisterhood supreme! … Bright planet! Lustrous effluence! Thou ray From the Eternal Source of life and light! Gleam on the track where Truth shall lead the way, And gild the inward as the outward night! Shine but as now upon my dying eyes, And Hope, from earth to thee from thee to Heaven, shall rise! Epes Sargent

Friday: To know that we know what we know and to know that we do not know what we do not know that is true knowledge … Nicolaus Copernicus

Saturday: Is the bridge that binds us built on money or friendship?


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