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Soul Food: Week of February 13, 2022

“Soul Food” is a regularly updated calendar of meditations sometimes questioning conventional wisdom & often suggesting eternal values

Sunday: Fear of losing the Lord’s eternal love may be the beginning of Wisdom … but joyfully embracing it is Wisdom’s eternal reward.

Monday: I dipt into the future, as far as the human eye could see, Saw a Vision of the world, & all the wonder that would be. Tennyson

Tuesday: Lepe they lyke a flounder out of a frying-panne into the fyre. Sir Thomas More

Wednesday: What happens when one has “too many irons in the fire”? Ask a mid-16th Century Blacksmith

Thursday: He saw the handwriting on the [palace] wall … and was honored by the King for sharing its Wisdom. Daniel, Story of Belshazzar’s Feast

Friday: Waiting for the other shoe to drop. Boarding House tenant expecting next round of Lay-offs circa 1900

Saturday: If you’re too sore to enjoy the ride, don’t get on the horse.

Davd Soul


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