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Soul Food: Week of November 10, 2024

This week’s respectfully offered daily meditations:


Sunday: I could always live in my art, but never in my life. Ingmar Bergman


Monday: If you are not living on the edge, then, you are already taking too much space. Proverb


Tuesday: I think the rock ‘n roll myth of living on the edge is a pile of crap. Robert Smith


Wednesday: I was literally living on the edge of life, to the point where I didn’t know what was going to happen, not caring, taking chances & finally landing in prison, and once there, all my lines were cut. Christian Hosoi


Thursday: All of us older folks know all about living on the edge. We used to answer the phone without knowing who it was. Various


Friday: I walk slowly, but I never walk backwards. A. Lincoln


Saturday: I am sending you out as sheep in the midst of wolves, so be wise as serpents & innocent as doves. Matt. 10:16


Davd Soul

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