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Soul Food: Week of September 25, 2022

“Soul Food” is a regularly updated calendar of meditations sometimes questioning conventional wisdom & often suggesting eternal values

Sunday: What if the unknown was greater than we could possibly imagine? Father Stu

Monday: We shouldn’t pray for an easy life but the strength to endure a difficult one …

Tuesday: Life’s gonna give you a gut-full of reasons to be angry kid … You only need one to be grateful.” Man resembling a crucified Jesus

Wednesday: Man don’t lose when he gets knocked down, but when he won’t get up … Vince Lombardi paraphrased

Thursday: No one suffers perfectly … even Christ had his moments of despair …

Friday: Staying in the fight on your feet isn’t always as effective as getting on your knees and admitting you can’t win alone … 12 Step Paraphrase

Saturday: You don’t need a phone to talk to God.

Davd Soul


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