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Southwest Cancellation Apology Hot Air?

Southwest Airlines meltdown & cancellation of thousands of flights a surprise? Even SW must have known it almost always gets very cold & snowy in its Denver & Chicago hubs during the winter holidays?

All airlines had problems over the Christmas weekend as a once-in-a-century storm ravaged the Mid-West, then, East Coast. But, nothing like Southwest having to cancel over HALF of its scheduled flights one day & warning a big percentage of more cancellations in the days immediately ahead. The airline is telling the MSM they were staffed up properly to handle the horde of holiday travelers, but their systems were overwhelmed by the one-two sucker punch from Mother Nature to their snowed, over cold hubs; hence, the cascade of daily cancelled flights, up to two-thirds on Tuesday alone.

Not sure that narrative scowls in the frigid Mid-West. And, the US Transportation Dept. says it’s not so sure either, promising an investigation into whether Southwest has followed every dotted “i” and “t” in the voluminous federal agency “customer protection” regulation books. The airline is “apologizing” for the massive inconveniences. It’s saying the situation is “unacceptable.” So’s an apology from the PR Dept, at least, to the stranded …

Davd Soul


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