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Special Ed Teachers Called 2 Work 2 Death?

As Jesus suggested there’s no higher calling than teaching so it’s sad to see our special ed programs plagued by staffing shortages. But, is it just special ed or all disciplines that’re plagued by woke agendas?

The Fox News story said “special education experts cited lagging salary, paperwork & WORKING CONDITIONS as factors for staffing shortages.” Yet, given all that, are we looking at yet another well-intentioned progressive idea that’s been railroaded by reality? That is, not just broken promises to properly fund special ed programs nationwide, but add on the extreme pressures put on all teachers who are being pressured to also push PC, CRT & transgender bathroom breaks at the expense of teaching the “Three Rs”? Is that at least part of what they meant by “working conditions”?

As we’re reminded by Fox, the 1975 “federal individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) … guarantees students with disabilities access to fully licensed special educators.” But, Addie Angelov, co-founder & CEO of the Paramount Health Data Project, is quoted as saying that while the “’spirit & intent’ of the law was commendable, reality has painted a different picture.” We just figured this out nearly 50 YEARS LATER? So much have the promises made not been fully kept, in fact, but the US DOL now says all but 2 States expect special ed shortages this coming school year. More reasons cited include the Biden fall-guy Covid and the fact that Uncle Sam funds only 40% of a school district’s bill for special ed. But, might the two-ton elephant in the room be what all teachers are feeling from their politicized “calling”? Shhh. Don’t say the obvious about “working conditions” …

Davd Soul


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