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Spendthrift Biden Gild’s Alzheimer’s Lilly?

For anyone who’s seen the savage impact on a family hit with Alzheimer’s, doesn’t it boggle the mind that gov’t bureaucrats would consider slow-walking paying for latest potential “break throughs” in treatments or cures?

Recall how President Trump had been ridiculed by many in the health industry for suggesting the FDA & other health agencies streamline their drug approval process in the most compelling instances, including Alzheimer’s. Now, the WSJ wonders whether “the federal government will block access [to] Eli Lilly’s drug [that] shows great results” after refusing to give up on finding help for the afflicted? As the editors opined: “Good news is rare these days so it’s worth celebrating remarkable results Eli Lilly reported … from a late-stage trial on its experimental Alzheimer’s drug.” Two other companies earlier also reported positive results on their research drugs that also target the plaque (aka amyloid) built up in a victim’s brain & show it can be removed to a significant amount, thereby slowing or even arresting the disease.

But, don’t hold your breath: “In an unprecedented move, the [Biden] Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services last year restricted access” to all such drugs, even if approved by the FDA, cause they aren’t “reasonable & necessary.” Translated: CMS doesn’t want to pay the bill. That means seniors wanting access to any Alzheimer’s treatment must enroll in slow-boating government-approved studies or “pay tens of thousands of dollars out of pocket.” As the WJS concluded: After decades of Alzheimer’s drug setbacks, treatments finally show they can slow decline even if they aren’t cures. CMS’s denial is typical of govt-run health systems that deny treatment because of cost concerns … If Pres. Biden were an ordinary Joe living with Alzheimer’s, wouldn’t he & his family want access to Lilly’s treatment?

Davd Soul


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