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Spielberg’s Hate, Jesus & Lincoln Knew Better

Does Spielberg’s “marginalized” people excuse for rise in anti-Semitism reflect victim culture & is void of solution? Maybe accept Jesus’ & Lincoln’s advice about taking an eye for an eye & winning thru personal responsibility?

Putting Qs another way, is the famous movie man mouthing the familiar progressive mantra that every ill in the world is “white peoples’ fault”? Is it yet another naïve progressive’s feeding the domestic & immigrant victim monkey? And, is he suggesting the “marginalized” people he references get reparations, instant citizenship, free welfare & a six figure income for life but without having to work for it?

In the Stephen Colbert interview the Jewish filmaker, of course, was warning about “overt anti-semitism in the US as bad as 1930s Germany,” so bad in fact that the hatred he sees has been “standing proud with hands on hip like Hitler & Mussolini.” He particularly drew attention to, but did not detail, the poor treatment of non-White people that he believes became prominent in 2014-2016. “Somehow in 2014, 2015, 2016, hate became a kind of membership to a club that has gotten more members than I ever thought was possible in America.” Somehow what? Is this another conspiracy theory? Exactly who are these haters targeting Jews in violent incidents from LA to NYC? Which Hitler is leading them? Are any of them Democrats or immigrants? If it’s fascists as in the 1930s, they aren’t the poor & “marginalized” he supposedly hung his theory on. But, besides his one-sided negative kaleidoscope, he doesn’t mention the current & historical hate campaign by radical nut cases of all stripes in our country targeting Catholics esp their pregnancy centers, average Black folks dodging gang & drug dealer bullets in their neighborhoods or human traffickers targeting teens of any color. In short, Spielberg is spewing the usual circular progressive talking points in the lead up to another political campaign. Does he have the common sense to realize the “hate” he sees will never stop until like Jesus & Lincoln said we ALL look in the mirror & the finger pointing victim mentality not only “somehow” stops, but is replaced with love & hard work?

Davd Soul


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