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St. Paul (Clement) Crucified 4 Gun Win

Talk about sour PC grapes. In “You Won Your Gun Case. You’re Fired,” the WSJ guffaws at hypocrisy in progressive white shoes law firm ostracizing its famous partner for daring to win a landmark Sup Ct gun case.

As told, Kirkland & Ellis partner Paul Clement, renown for his Supreme Court advocacy & victories, again forged a 6-3 victory at the Supreme Court invalidating New York’s overly-restrictive concealed weapons licensing law on Second Amendment grounds. Normally, you’d think the giant K & E would be popping the Champaign, but instead it told Clement to dump his Second Amendment clients. He refused and resigned. Concluded the editors: “That’s the honorable and ethical decision.”

But, even more remarkable “it’s worth noting how extraordinary it is for a law firm to fire its victorious clients whose rights have been upheld by no fewer than six justices. It’s as if the law firm representing Clarence Gideon had told him to get lost after the Supreme Court upheld his right to legal counsel in his famous 1963 case, Gideon v. Wainwright.

Davd Soul


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