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Star Wars’ Lucas Worms Way Out of Criticism

Star Wars creator George Lucas must sometimes wonder if there’s a Twilight Zone he’s entered by way of a worm hole as critics complain his epic isn’t diverse enough. “Most of the people are aliens,” he reminds.


In fact, at a 2024 Cannes Film Festival, Lucas conceded he’s been bashed for a movie that’s all about “White men,” yet insisted the franchise has always featured diverse characters & its own unique call out of discrimination throughout the universe … along with a not-so-subtle plea for acceptance & tolerance. As a recent Fox News story noted, the 80-year-old master story-teller assured Star Wars is one big call “to accept people for what they are, whether they’re big & furry or whether they’re green & whatever – the idea is all people are equal.”


Nor is it a coincidence, Lucas said, that the movie’s robots are often discriminated against. “That was a way of saying, people are always discriminating against something, and sooner or later, that’s what’s going to happen … I mean, we’re already starting with AI, saying, ‘Well, we can’t trust those robots,’” he said. Touchy, touchy. Lucas does NOT mention how Star Wars ALSO arguably warns humanity about mind games played by Darth Vader with the help of the Empire’s dehumanizing propaganda machine. Then, again, selective morality is also pretty common among Lucas’s colleagues, big & furry or not.


Davd Soul


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