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Stuff This LeBron: NBA Owners & PRC In Bed?

Wonder why LeBron James & NBA owners kiss PRC’s communist toes while trashing America’s alleged racist moorings & good faith of its white people? Then, ESPN reports study suggesting NBA has $10 BILLION in China...

True, the PRC essentially banned the NBA for a time because one of its owners had the gall to question, as meekly as he possibly could, the communist country’s human rights record vis a vis Hong Kong protesters. So, what did the NBA do? ESPN basically says they’ve been kissing PRC a** more than Steve Kerr kissed Michael Jordan’s a** when both were Chicago Bulls stars. Here’s why, the network story said: “In addition to the money their teams derive from the NBA’s $5billion business in China, many have significant personal stakes there through their other businesses.”’

Indeed. An ESPN examination of the investments of 40 principal owners “found that they collectively have more than $10 billion tied up in China – including one owner whose company has a joint venture with an entity that has been sanctioned by the US.” But, isn’t this ownership expose’ the “tip of the iceberg,” i.e., if you were to add in the NBA PLAYERS’ lucrative sponsorship deals with Chinese companies?

Davd Soul


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