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Supreme Crt’s New Term A Watershed

Buckle up as Supremes start new term along with more accusations of “illegitimate”. Thought abortion ruling based on the law was a biggie earlier this year? Wait for more honest calls to trigger more court-packing threats.

As the WSJ’s editorial board wrote: “The Supreme Court kicks off its new term on Monday & the welcome back isn’t universal. ‘Supreme Court term begins amid questions about its legitimacy,’ says a headline over a news story in the Washington Post. We could cite a dozen similar takes. These articles offer no explanation for this pique other than the authors & the people they quote don’t like the opinions the Court issued last term.”

As the editors reminded, however: “We know how they feel. For decades we disagreed with Court rulings when progressives [aka activist Justices] held sway, but we never called the Court illegitimate. But now that the left has lost the Court as a backup legislature for its policy goals, the institution is supposedly broken. Tell us again who is the threat to democratic institutions?”

Davd Soul


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