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Supreme Drain the Swamp Earthquake Ahoy?

Trump tried to drain the Swamp & his Supremes may do more than he did from WH as another blockbuster ruling is coming in WVa v EPA that could unplug DC bureaucrats from running our lives ok’d in past by rad jurists.

As Fox relates, “the case involves the Clean Power Plan, which was adopted under President Barack Obama to fight climate change.” It costs $33B per year and was designed to completely reorder our nation’s power grid by EPA fiat. The state of West Virginia and two coal companies sued saying the scheme was an unconstitutional abuse of power. And, if they win in the case now before the U.S. Supreme Court? It “could begin to rein in the vast powers of the alphabet agencies in DC that run our lives and return it to legislators whom we elect to create … legislation.” Put another way, it would mean Congress, not federal agencies, would again be the ones that “write our laws.”

Little known by average Americans is the extent to which bureaucrats have taken over legislating thanks to Congress’s own foolishness in “delegating” its Constitutional powers. In the context of the nation’s energy policy, for instance, the real & arguably massive cost of transforming the country’s energy grid from fossil fuels to unproven renewables with creative Green New Deal tax subsidies is being hidden. But, consider all the other fed agencies similarly empowered over the years & have gotten away with it without taxpayers’ knowledge. Anyone hear a Supreme earthquake coming that might make the Dobbs decision seem like a mere tremor?

Davd Soul


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