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Supremes Restore Geo’s & Tom’s Constitution

WSJ was spot on noting how the Supreme Court “Restores a Constitutional Climate” this term by not only setting overdue “guardrails on the administrative state” aka The Swamp, but on laws covering abortion, guns & religion.

Score it a big win for George Washington, Thomas Jefferson & the rest of the nation’s Founding Fathers. As Supreme Court correspondent Jess Bravin pointed out, the Justices’ “ambitious conservatism” this month marked a “decisive turn away from the more liberal judicial legacy of the late 20th Century.”

As Jess explained: “A solid conservative majority issued several consequential rulings that reflected their originalist views of the Constitution (i.e., as originally intended can significantly be changed only by Amendment) on matters that ranged from overturning the landmark Roe v Wade abortion ruling to expanding religious rights in public education and enlarging the scope of the Second Amendment. [And] on its last day of the term … ruled that the EPA overreached in regulating greenhouse-gas emissions from power plants, in a decision that could limit the authority of government agencies to address major policy questions without more explicit congressional authorization.” Eight score years ago, Mr. Lincoln would have been proud of the High Court for what they did by this July 4th, too.

Davd Soul


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