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Suspend Student 4 Accidental Deadnaming?

Fairfax Public Schools now considering draconian rule suspending students for ‘malicious misgendering’? A timely anti-bullying proposal or more progressive pc bs voters revolted against in last gubernatorial election?

You’ll recall how parents in my Sweet Home Fairfax County were so up in arms over the local school boards endless Covid lockdowns, CRT-like curriculum over the 3 “Rs” and over-the-top transgender initiatives that they fueled the election of GOP Gov Glenn Youngkin. Now the school board, Fox reports, is “reviewing rules that could potentially expose students” to a suspension or even expulsion for “malicious misgendering” their peers based on frequency & intensity.” For instance, “Using slurs based on the actual or perceived gender identity” if to be forbidden and includes “malicious deadnaming,” i.e., “when someone intentionally OR NOT, refers to a person who is transgender or gender-expansive by a name other than their own chosen name.”

I suspect some lawyer who is an Eric Holder disciple wrote these new rules that are so vague & expansive that even a Barack Obama, let alone a judge, would reject them. Aren’t gads of anti-bullying rules already on the books & available to use against punks who bully transgender kids? A Youngkin spokesperson told Fox: “Local school boards need to be listening to parents and focusing on core issues like school safety, learning loss from shutdowns and ensuring our students are graduating high school and are college or career-ready.”

Davd Soul


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