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Sussmann Skates As Hillary, FBI, MSM Sink

Durham’s jury didn’t convict Sussmann for lying to FBI, but indictment’s real target was Hillary as well as agency & MSM. As WSJ’s Jenkins suggests, the show me trial showed they hanged selves trying to “slime” Trump.

As the columnist wrote: “If special counsel John Durham didn’t get the verdict he wanted in the Michael Sussmann case, it’s because he did a better job of convicting the victim than he did the culprit – the victim being the FBI, the agency to which the Democratic lawyer allegedly lied when claiming he wasn’t acting for the Clinton campaign while peddling slime about Donald Trump in the run-up to the 2016 election.” Among other things, it’s now clear that even if Mr. Sussmann didn’t lie about who he repped because “everyone knew” he was a Clinton lackey, he certainly spread the faux dirt with Hillary’s approval. At least, her PR lackey slash campaign manager testified as much at trial. And, as Mr. Jenkins noted, by the end of the trial “Mr. Sussmann’s alleged lie seemed more aimed at obliging the agency than deceiving it.”

Exactly. The Durham evidence not only pointed out the PRE-ELECTION dirty tricks with pathetic FBI involvement, but the POST-ELECTION continuation with, well, Hillary’s never-ending encouragement, a cadre of Swamp officials parroting the “hoax”, AND many in the mainstream media doing all of them one better by whole-heartedly “covering up” what turns out to be unworthy of a pigsty. As Mr. Jenkins concludes, it’s not that Mr. Trump’s campaign didn’t use dirt on Hillary, most politicians do that sort of thing; but, it’s another for the FBI or MSM, the supposed defenders of our democracy, to do such “enormous harm” to it.

Davd Soul


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