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Sweet Home Costs Soar, Sour Joe’s Taxes

MSM doesn’t need to tell us “The Hidden Costs of Homeownership Are Skyrocketing” cause they ain’t so hidden &, yeah, they are going through the roof. Hey, how about dem Bears … wanting taxpayers to build them a new stadium?


The WSJ story told us “Lori & Darren Gondry have seen their home insurance costs rise 63% in two years, while other MSM reports warn some insurance companies are no longer underwriting homeowner policies in some storm-ravaged states like California & Florida. Then, again, the couple have seen their property taxes, utility costs & homeowners’ assn fees forever going up, up & away. “I was so sticker-shocked, Mr. Gondry said. “I fear they’re here to stay.”


Tell us about it. Have we mentioned how “homeownership affordability fell to its lowest level since the 1980s last year as mortgage rates reached a 23-yr high & home prices set new records”? And, how about those maintenance costs, like paying the company employing illegal aliens to cut your lawn? Or, the plumber & electrician jumping in on the McDonald’s inflationary chicken nuggets bandwagon? How is it, then, that President Biden keeps telling us we are so rich that we can afford to let the Trump tax cuts elapse, so Uncle Sam’s bill goes up as well? Buddy, can you spare a dime for the Chicago Bears’ $4.3 Billion for a spanking new domed lakefront stadium? Watch, as the Tribune suggested, the price tag will be $10 Billion by the time the unions finish milking the city & state cash cows. Progressive Gov says proposal’s a “non-starter.” BUT, watch blowback after BEARS DRAFT A QB who can throw & a WR who can catch. Good times.


Davd Soul


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