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Sweet Iran Plots Bolton, Pompeo Deaths?

Ain’t Iran’s religious leaders sweet? Now Trump security advisor Bolton & ex-SOS Pompeo were reportedly targeted to be assassinated in US by Iranian National? Maybe give ‘em more cash not to nuke us?

The first reports cited by Fox News were focused on the FBI allegedly uncovering a plot by a Sharhram Poursafi of Tehran to buy a hit man to assassinate Mr. Bolton in Maryland or DC. A sum of $300k was supposedly enough to get the job done. But, first Axios, then the WSJ, says Mr. Pompeo, although not specifically identified in the DOJ’s charging document, was also to be a target.

Justice Dept. said the attempts were probably a response to US’s killing of Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps commander, Qassem Soleimani, in January 2020. Mr. Bolton has in the past told the paper he had been warned by the FBI shortly after the strike on Soleimani of a likely assassination attempt … and the FBI has been on the look-out ever since.

Davd Soul


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