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Tanking Joe Tanks Saudi Love & Oil

As Biden’s approval rating plummets again & 81% of Hispanics think he sucks Jill’s tacos, No. 46’s “Saudi Arabia Visit Was Worse Than an Embarrassment” as he bumps fists with Prince Big Shot he accused of murder.

That fist bump that Joe tells reporters to stop whining about, Karen Elliott House noted in a WSJ op ed, was only the beginning as things “went downhill” after that: “Meetings between leaders of important nations,” she conceded, “are usually worthwhile even if they yield no immediate results. But, there are exceptions. One was Neville Chamberlain’s 1938 Munich meeting with Hitler. Another: Biden’s sit-down with Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman.” Ouch. It was THAT bad?

That fist bump aside, Ms. House notes how “Mr. Biden insisted that, in front of the entire US & Saudi delegations, he had labeled the crown prince the killer of Jamal Khashoggi. Saudi Minister of State Adel al-Jubeir was quick to say he didn’t recall hearing that …” Oh, but when Joe was asked if the minister was telling the truth, he said no – “implying that a key Saudi official was a liar.” Maybe he was, BUT “so much for rebuilding US-Saudi cooperation, which was Mr. Biden’s goal.” Wonder why more Saudi oil is staying in the ground than not?

Davd Soul


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