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Teacher Exodus Thanks To Covid Chaos & Money Trap

The WSJ’s “Teachers Are Quitting and Companies Are Hot to Hire Them” ain’t no lie as the “burned-out,” Covid-lockdown oppressed are commanding “better pay & more autonomy.”

Well, most teachers went to college largely because of an altruistic view of the world only to find upon graduation that first job in a school district wasn’t what it was cracked up to be. Now, burned-out, an alarming number of teachers are “leaving the classroom for jobs in the private sector for higher pay in such talent-hungry industries as sales, software, healthcare & training.” In fact, according to federal data, “the rate of people quitting jobs in private educational services rose more than in any other industry in 2021.” How bad was it? “Nearly 550K resignations from the private-education sector between January & November, 2020” and “more than 800K resignations were handed in during the same period by people in state & local education.”

Why? Says the WSJ, “many of those teachers are exhausted from toggling between online & classroom instruction, shifting Covid-19 protocols & dealing with challenging students, parents & administrators.” Of course, the fleeing teachers may soon learn the grass is not as green as they hoped, either in terms of money or autonomy, in the capitalistic private sector. Meanwhile, the mass exodus is worsening a nationwide teacher shortage … and, if the schools don’t return to some sort of “normalcy” despite the ongoing pandemic soon …

Davd Soul


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