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Team Biden Confusion On Covid Testing Is Confusing

Confused too? President Biden recently says he regrets not planning for more Covid testing sooner, then, insists he “quadrupled” testing kits amidst shortage in September, then, turns down medical experts’ plan to boost testing in October before days later announcing a massive home testing program starting in January … although it will take weeks to distribute them broadly.

It’s especially hard to understand Vanity Fair’s report that in October industry experts from Harvard’s T.H. Chan School of Public Health, the COVID Collaborative, the Rockefeller Foundation & other groups presented a plan to the White House “to prevent the [expected] holiday COVID surge” we are now witnessing by aggressively expanding the nation’s test manufacturing capabilities; yet, on Oct. 22 the WH rejected that plan on the grounds it wasn’t feasible for the overwhelmed FDA to review it adequately and 3 days later announced a plan to boost “rapid home testing” via the FDA’s admittedly slow & understaffed bureaucratic regulatory approval process. “I wish I had thought about ordering a half a billion [tests] two months ago, before COVID hit here,” Mr. Biden again admitted to ABC last Wednesday and after his VP Harris had earlier insisted the Delta & Omicron variants were “not foreseen” … although their “top” medical advisor, the NIH’s Dr. Anthony Fauci, says he and others at the CDC clearly saw the variants coming big time.

Meanwhile WSJ says Afghan Biden’s team also botched the roll out of Pfizer & Merck therapeutic drugs to help cure those testing positive. Seems “the U.S. ordered too few courses of the new and promising Covid pills.” Here's a test for you. Re-read this article three times and think whether you can understand what's going on.

Davd Soul


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