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Test Scores In: COVID Remote Learning Failed

Rad Libs are famous for citing “studies” & “science” so they’ll have to work overtime explaining away latest research confirming Blue state COVID remote learning WIDENED the already glaring racial achievement gaps relative to red states.

As the Fox News coverage noted, “teachers union & school districts were often involved in contentious battles over remote learning throughout the pandemic,” and still are in many Democratically-controlled cities. Some harm was always expected, even by the most die-hard liberals in education. But, the revealed “large losses” in achievement for blue states & students in low-income areas were sobering. “Interestingly, gaps in math achievement by race & school poverty did not widen in school districts in states such as Texas and Florida and elsewhere that remained largely in-person,” said Thomas Kane, a Harvard Education Prof and one of the study’s authors. “Where schools shifted to remote learning, gaps widened sharply. Shifting to remote instruction was like turning a switch on a critical piece of our social infrastructure that we had taken for granted.”

Huh? The already crappy inner city school infrastructure was taken for granted? Wasn’t it freakin’ OBVIOUS remote learning, esp in the inner cities, was going to harm kids’ studies there? Were those op eds by at least some responsible educators warning it was going to happen just part of another Russian disinformation conspiracy? Of course not.

Davd Soul


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