Texas Blackout Deaths Shows Hypothermia Apolitical
The Wall Street Journal recently wrote how the “Texas Death Toll From February Storm Outages Rises.” Actually, the morbid stat from Texas officials following one of the worst blackouts in U.S. history nearly DOUBLED. It now stands at 111, more that the previous Hurricane Harvey record set in 2017 & it’s conceded “the number of new victims might still be an undercount as officials continue to investigating deaths that happened around the time the storm knocked out power to more than 4 million…”
The WSJ goes on to explain that “most of the deaths are associated with hypothermia” as many homes “went without power or drinkable water for days after subfreezing temperatures, failing power plants & record demand for heat pushed Texas’s electric grid to the breaking point.”
What earlier articles & op eds had debated is the extent to which Texas’ rush to force folks to accept a rapid conversion from oil & gas energy sources to progressive “alternative energy” sources “caused” this debacle. Could it be the finger pointing between the conservatives & liberals unmasks rather than sweeps under the carpet the so-called “experts” & demagogues who “combined” to make this nightmare come true?
Davd Soul
