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Texas Blackouts Shine Light On Progressive Blindness?

The Great Texas Energy Meltdown is a prime example of progressive wishes being blinded by their darkness.

As the Wall Street Journal editorial lamented: “You’d think the Texas blackouts would trigger some soul-searching about the vulnerability of America’s electrical grid. Not in today’s hothouse of climate politics. The Biden Administration is already moving to stop an examination of grid vulnerability to promote unreliable renewable energy sources…”

Recall many earlier stories and op eds (let alone natural disaster movies) focusing on regulators’ warnings about that all importance grid is becoming increasingly shaky. Why? Because progressives keep pushing to replace coal & nuclear power sources with cheap natural & government-subsidized wind mills & solar panels. As early as 2011, the North American Electric Reliability Corp. warned, “The nation’s power grid will be stressed in ways never before experienced” thanks to “an unprecedented resource-mix change …[and]… environmental regulations are shown to be the number one risk to reliability over the next one to five years.”

No matter, as Presidents Obama’s and now Biden’s climate geniuses ignore(d) how their myopic & draconian climate policies could & will affect that energy reliability equation. The WSJ goes on to analyze the many renewable lobbyists now trying to point the “blame” on the Texas energy fiasco on everyone but themselves. Concluded the editors: “When the blackouts arrive, don’t say Americans weren’t warned.”

Davd Soul


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