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Texas Knows Energy Fiasco Killed, Just Not How Many?

My curiosity was piqued by The Wall Street Journal article, “Deaths From Texas Storm Could Take Months to Tally”. Maybe a scientific-based count does take time. Yet, how come most newspapers & tv stations, including the WSJ, publish death counts within minutes of a hurricane making landfall? And, how have they been posting their endless updates of the 500K (& counting) Covid-19 victims, never explaining whether any were already mangled in a car crash, dying from Stage 4 cancer, or shot in the chest by a store owner defending against an armed robbery?

Yet, the WSJ tells us “officials are still counting fatalities from hypothermia, carbon monoxide, other factors, as some experts warn accurate total might NEVER BE KNOWN.” Hmmm. Could it be the experts’ & MSM’s brain lock has something to do with the scientific fact (as skillfully explained in a recent WSJ op ed) that the Texas energy meltdown was mostly due to progressive alternative energy policies being foisted on residents? And, to such an irresponsible extent in recent years that the state’s power grid’s reliability was compromised?


Davd Soul


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