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Texas Seizes Enough Fentanyl in 2021 To Kill 200M

Texas reportedly has seized enough fentanyl crossing our southern border to kill 200 million Americans this year alone. Another crisis sign of the times?

The Texas Department of Public Safety announced the good news/bad news as part of its “Operation Lone Star”, an initiative to curb the rampant & oft-federally ignored entry of human trafficking & drug runners into the state. Fox News says new data provided by DPS reveals “160 pounds of fentanyl” was seized so far in 2021 in, while other drugs seized within its “target area” include 13,494 pounds of marijuana, 2,430 pounds of cocaine, 1,647 pounds of meth & 37 pounds of heroin. But, if you combine the activity outside as well as inside its targeted area, the Texas DPS has seized 886 pounds of fentanyl or about 201 million lethal doses.

“They try & sell it as ‘synthetic heroin’ in order to increase their profits,” DPS’s Jennifer Hatch said. “But, what ends up happening with a lot of these is they end up leading to death because people don’t now these are the drugs they’re ingesting.” She added: “Most recently, it’s been found in ecstasy tablets.”

Davd Soul


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